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소만 (화학무기) 영어로

"소만 (화학무기)" 중국어

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  • Soman
  • 소만    Xiaoman
  • 화학무기    Chemical weapon
  • 화학무기금지조약    chemical weapons convention
  • 화학 무기    Chemical weapons
  • 무기화학 무기화학    Inorganic chemistry
  • 학무    학무 [學務] school[educational] affairs. ~를 보다 take charge of[manage] school affairs.▷ 학무과 an educational[a school] affairs section.▷ 학무 국장 the Chief of the Educational Bureau .
  • 무기화학    inorganic chemistry
  • 무기화학자    inorganic chemist
  • 화학 무기 금지 기구    Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  • 화학 무기 금지 조약    Chemical Weapons Convention
  • 아소만    Asō Bay
  • 로소만 시    Rosoman Municipality
  • 불학무식    불학 무식 [不學無識] (utter) ignorance; illiteracy. ~하다 (utterly) ignorant; (densely) illiterate; unlettered.
  • 학무위원회    school board
  • 무기    무기 [武器]1 [전투에 쓰이는 기구] a weapon; arms; weaponry; ordnance; armament. 대항 ~ a counterweapon. 재래식 ~ conventional weapons. 최종 ~ an ultimate weapon. 핵~ a nuclear weapon. ~와 탄약 arms and ammunition. ~의 불법
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